A few weeks ago, I was spending the day with a dear friend. I was sharing with her something about how our process was going (can't even remember what specifically) and she said, "So why aren't we praying about this more?". She is a prayer warrior if there ever was one, and her saying that really has stuck with me. Not that I think people aren't praying; I know lots and lots of people are because you've told me you are. But, just like in my last post, I do think we need to be more public and more specific with our prayer requests during this process, and I know that the more people that are praying for us and for Tallulah is what will bring God the most glory. And isn't that the ultimate goal here?
I love the passage in 2 Corinthians where Paul is dramatically recounting the story of he and Timothy's impending death in Asia. After telling them how God rescued them and he knows He will do it again, he asks the Corinthians to join him in prayer:
"Join us in this work. Lend us a hand through prayer so that many will give thanks for the gift that comes to us when God answers the prayers of so many." (2 Cor. 1:11 The Voice)
And I love how the New Century Version words this passage. As I was reading it, I added my own words in regards to Tallulah's story:
"We had great burdens that were beyond our own strength. Truly, in our own hearts we believed that {Tallulah might never come home}. But this happened so we would not trust in ourselves but in God, who raises people from the dead... We have put our hope in Him, and He will {bring her home}. And you can help us with your prayers. Then many people will give thanks because of what will happen to us—that God blessed us because of their many prayers."
So, as we are praying that God will move quickly, we are going to ask for you to do the same. We are not trusting in our own strength or resources to bring Tallulah across oceans, but are trusting God totally and putting all hope in Him. If you feel compelled to do so, we would like to invite you to join us in prayer on Sunday nights at 9pm CST, until Tallulah gets home. Yes, you read that correctly, until she gets home. Our specific prayer requests may change, but for now, we ask that you join with us in our prayers:
- for her to know that she is God's child and He loves her and takes great delight in her
- for God to comfort her and for her to know that comfort comes from Him
- for her to feel God's presence with her
- for God to give her hope that she indeed has a family and that they are coming for her
- and lastly that God will move quickly on her behalf and that she will be an orphan no more
Like I've said before, this is a battle we are fighting against the evil one, who doesn't want this to happen, who doesn't want her to know God's love and the love of a family. And every spiritual battle needs to be covered in prayer. If you're anything like me and have to set a reminder on your phone to put clothes in the dryer, then by all means set your alarm! Pray by yourself, with your spouse or make this a part of your family prayer time. Again, I know that many of you have told me that you are already praying daily for us, (and thank you for that!) but what a beautiful picture it would be if so many of God's children (yes, I know that there are only 8 people subscribed to my blog, but I have to believe that a few more than that read it :) were praying all at the same hour of the night for this precious child, to the Mighty One who saves. Praying to the only One who will win this battle for her.
We would love to know how many prayer warriors will be joining us, so feel free to leave a comment here or on our Love for Lulah facebook page. Thank you for loving us and helping us bring her home.